Meteor Shower / Cluster Data Format v0.19 13/Apr/2021 SonotaCo [format outline] - comma separated csv file with suffix '.jx.csv' - contains shower records and/or short period cluster records - 1 independent record / 1 line - 7bit ascii character - unit of the angle is degree in decimal - equinox J2000 [columns] mark,text "A": major shower record "B": minor shower record "C": possible shower record "D": deleted shower record "a": major shower short term cluster record "b": minor shower short term cluster record "c": possible short term cluster record "d": deleted cluster code,text shower XXX_ss XXX: iau shower code( 'AAA' to 'ZZZ' ) ss: suffix - shower data identifier 'ia'to'iz' : IAU MDC 'ja'to'jz' : J14 'j4'to J5 : J4,J5 short term cluster of the shower XXX_ss_nnn nnn: Ls , degree, integer temporal shower lrdvs l: Ls (0-z, 0 degree origin, 10 degree step) r: ra (0-z, 0 degree origin, 10 degree step) d: de (0-z,90deg origin, 5 degree step) v: vg (0-z, 0km origin, 2 km/s step) s: suffix (data identifier for a same code in a catalog 'a'to'z') temporal shower cluster _lrdvs_nnn index: _lrdv lsp: peak(or center) solar longitude(Ls)of the shower(or the cluster). Origin of dra,dde,dvg, degree, decimal ls1: begin Ls, degree, decimal ls2: end Ls, degree, decimal ra: right ascension of radiant, degree, decimal de: declination of radiant, degree, decimal vg: geocentric velocity, km/s, decimal dra: ra component of 2 dimension moving vector of the radiant at Lsp, ra degree/day, decimal dde: de component of 2 dimension moving vector of the radiant at Lsp, de degree/day, decimal dvg: vg difference at lsp, km/s/day, decimal a: semimajor axis, AU, decimal q: periapsis, AU, decimal e: orbital eccentricity, ,decimal peri: argument of perihelion, degree, decimal node: longitude of the ascending node, degree, decimal incl: inclination, degree, decimal sdr: standard deviation of the radiant direction distribution (1 sigma of cluster radius on the equational coordinate), degree, decimal sdv: standard deviation of the geocentric velocity, km/s, decimal sdd: standard deviation of the DD',, decimal sig: significance of the 3 sdr cluster against sporadic meteors, sigma, decimal (Peak cluster sig value for shower) ip: peak intensity (ns / all meteor count on lsp, [0..1],decimal), ns / all count on ls1-ls2 for shower ns: number of the shower meteors in the period of ls1-ls2,,integer data source: text activity: yearly activity, annual or year of appearance, text (quoted from IAU MDC) spectrum: spectrum type, text explosion: explosion type, text parent: parent body, text (quoted from IAU MDC) iau no: shower number, integer iau name : shower name, text similar codes: similar(possible involved) shower codes , text remark: text ---------------------------------------------------------------------