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What the maximum frame rate that the UFOCaptureHD2 support

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Sipeng Yang

登録日: 2018.11.15
記事: 12
所在地: Beijing

記事日時: Tue Sep 03, 2019 3:44 pm    記事の件名: What the maximum frame rate that the UFOCaptureHD2 support 引用付きで返信

Hello Mr Sonotaco

Recently I test an industrial CMOS camera DMK33GX287, GigE camera, from ImagingSource. This camera has a resolution of 720x540 and can work at a very high frame rate at 300fps.

I used the UFOCaptureHD2 to recorded some video clips at 25fps, 50fps, 80fps and 100fps respectively. But it seems that the software failed to deal with the 100fps video stream.

The software would impose the text, such as time information, on every single frame of the video. But I found some frames had not been imposed. I do not know why.

The introduction of UFOCaptureHD2 said it could deal with 3840x2160 at 30fps which is 3840x2160x30=248,832,000 pixels per second. For the DMK33GX287, 720X540 at 100fps is 720x540x100=38,880,000 pixels per second. Why did the software fail to impose the text?

My computer hardware: Intel i5-4590@3.3GHz, 8GB RAM, Windows 10-64bits version and HDD with enough volume.

The normal impose video frame.
 ファイルサイズ:  118.36 KB
 閲覧数:  4117 回


The frame in same video clips had not been impose time information
 ファイルサイズ:  160.42 KB
 閲覧数:  4117 回


Site Admin

登録日: 2004.08.07
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記事日時: Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:24 am    記事の件名: Re: What the maximum frame rate that the UFOCaptureHD2 suppo 引用付きで返信

Sorry for very late response. I missed to read this topic.

The maximum frame rate of UFOCaptureHD2 if not fixed by the software.
It is decided by the capture device, bandwidth of interface, PC performance.
I think i5-4590@3.3GHz may be not not enough for your case.
Also monochrome Y800 format is recorded by RGB32 (4Byte/pixel format), so please be careful on the storage weiting speed.

Currently 1280x720/120fps with DMK33GX290e is working well on my station as below.

As for anlysis, there was a limitation of 100fps on old versions of UA2. Please use V4.28 or later.

 ファイルサイズ:  300.76 KB
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